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Payment Systems Act B.E. 2560 (2017)
April 2018
By Nat Boonjunwetvat

The Payment Systems Act B.E.2560 (2017) was promulgated on 18 October 2017 and became effective on 16 April 2018 with an aim at reforming and unifying Thailand’s regulatory framework for payment systems. Accordingly, the Bank of Thailand as main regulator under the Act is empowered to supervise three main categories of payment systems and payment services as follows:

  1. essential payment systems (i.e. national payments infrastructure and payment systems for high value transfer, clearing, or settlement between members);
  2. payment systems under supervision (i.e. payment systems or network for money transfer, clearing, or settlement or other systems which may affect public interest or confidence or the stability and security of payment systems); and
  3. payment services under supervision (i.e. provision of credit card, debit card, or ATM card, e-money, bill payment and electronic money transfer services).

Whilst existing e-payment operators who have been granted licences under the current regime will be required to reapply for new licences or registrations (as the case may be) within 120 days after the announcement of the relevant notification of the Ministry of Finance (i.e. an application shall be submitted by 13 August 2018),  any person who wishes to engage in regulated e-payment service must register or obtain a requisite licence (as the case may be) before commencing such businesses, unless other exemptions apply.

This document is solely intended to provide an update on recent development in Thailand legislation and is not purported to provide a legal opinion, nor a legal advice to any person.

Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Data
January 2024
On 25 December 2023, the Personal Data Protection Commission (the “PDPC”) issued two notifications relating to cross-border transfer of personal data, namely:
New Tax Guideline on Foreign-Sourced Income of Thai Tax Residents
September 2023
The Revenue Department of Thailand has made a radical change to its longstanding principal as regards its treatment of foreign-souced income of an individual “Thai tax resident”.
Amendment to Takeover Regulations to Reduce Burdens and Increase Flexibility
May 2022
With effect from 1 May 2022, the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) has amended takeover regulations with an aim to reducing burdens of private sectors,